MSCO has been a place where people can come in and heighten their awareness, heal their wounds and receive teachings and guidance for their journey.

The Teachers, Counselors and Intuitive Guides have been a huge part of MSCO since the beginning. Always holding the intent of integrity and openness for everyone. The classes and workshops are a great way to open yourself to more knowledge and information that can create unlimited possibilities. Whether you are attending a healing circle, Tai Chi, a business workshop, sound meditation, a medicine wheel ceremony, hoop class, drumming class, yoga, etc. You are expanding yourself and your energy toward a more healthier and peaceful life. We are all on a path of discovery, and allowing yourself to overcome whatever obstacles may be in your way, will open you to the adventure of all experiences. Some of the members that offer these services also work one-on-one with clients.

If you are looking to attend any of these events or need further info call MSCO at
(928) 445-8545.

If you are interested in becoming a member or hosting an event please call Dana at (928) 420-2109.