Mountain Spirit Co-Op Travels to Sacred Sites
Recently, members Lisa Hyman and Dana Cummins traveled to several sacred sites in California and Oregon including the Russian River, Pacific Ocean in Sonoma County, the Redwoods of Armstrong Forest, Mt. Shasta, Lake Shasta, Shasta Caverns, Headwaters
(Holy Water), Crater Lake, the Rogue Gorge and Yosemite National park. As many of you know, MSCO has extended its membership globally to all businesses and persons holding integrity of respecting and honoring all people of all lands. Watch for clips, photos, journal entries, ceremonies and videos (on our website, as well as YouTube) of our adventures as we continue to pay homage to the many sacred sites across our nation and world.

Lisa Hyman, Shana Dean and Dana Cummins enjoying the ocean beauty of Sonoma County, CA. The beginning of MSCO’s Sacred Sites Journey. We spent the day with our good friend and former in-house member Shana Dean, who blessed us with her presence and shared the sacredness of her stomping grounds. We also found plenty of good food along the way to nourish body, mind and spirit.
Also, please recognize and patronize the many new extended members and kindred spirits that we have had the pleasure and honor to meet on our sojourns worldwide. Their tireless devotion to bringing peace and healing to this world is truly remarkable and deserving of acknowledgement. To all the world’s peace ambassadors from members of Mountain Spirit Co-Op and beyond, we give thanks.
Enjoying an awe inspiring sunset after inhaling the many splendors of the coastal points of Sonoma County. Followed by the magic of a good fire at our campsite along side the Russian River. Wishing you barefoot pleasures and carefree ventures.
Aho, Amen and So It Is.
Inspired and grounded with an immense and deeper appreciation of how small we stand among these giant ancient ones. May we all awaken to the wisdom of our elders.
Aho, Amen and So It Is.
We (Lisa and Dana) captured some of the many orbs that greeted us at every turn on this sacred journey. These were in the park at Sundial Bridge in Redding CA. How many do you see? We are in the process of creating a video of orbs, light and other magic that we encountered. Hope to be sharing it soon. Wishing everyone magic and light.
Aho, Amen and So It Is.
This photo reminds us of the Munay-Ki Rites, where the East recognizes the details while not loosing sight of the bigger picture. We captured the beauty and majesty that we encountered in this simple? photo. Wishing you all the joys beauty brings on even the simplest of days.
Aho, Amen and So It Is.
From dangling our feet in the Russian River in Sonoma County, CA to everything covered in snow surrounding Crater Lake, OR. We embraced many experiences of reflection at this National Wonder, while recognizing the balance of all Gaia’s Gems. May you find peace and balance in your surrounding both inside and out.
Aho, Amen and So It Is.