For the last eight years Mountain Spirit Co-Op has been offering a variety of services and teachings to people within the community and around the world.
Ever since the doors opened at MSCO we have had a talented group of people sharing their gifts such as energy work, reiki, polarity, intuitive readings, massage, reflexology, spiritual and Native American teachings, quantum dynamics, crystal therapy and so much more. We have members that offer their services onsite during gallery hours, who also schedule appointments throughout the week, and Extended Members around the world that link to us to advertise their business/services.
MSCO has also been hosting a “Day of Service” for the community for the last three years. On this day the Healing Center is set up as a Healing Clinic, all rooms will be filled and extra healing stations are set up to accommodate this event, and all members of MSCO come together and offer their services to the world for free. If you have any questions or are interested in starting your healing journey, today seems like a great day to begin, so call us at (928) 445-8545.
MSCO is expanding all the time with new members, so if you would like to share your gifts and empower yourself and your business, call Dana at (928) 420-2109 or look over the membership information on our web-site.
Athena Rose
Athena Rose is a natural-born clairvoyant with a profound gift for seeing past lives, energy blockages, and channeling each soul’s guidance and innate healing for their highest good. Over the past decade, she has expanded her abilities and healing modalities, which include Akashic Records, 11 Reiki lineages, Allergy Healing, Chakra Balancing, ...Read More
Jessica Boyden
REGISTERED NURSE LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST Hello, and thanks, MSCO, for welcoming me back to Prescott!! I am Jessica Boyden. I have been a licensed massage therapist since 2005, a registered nurse since 2016, and recently graduated from acupuncture school in 2023. Currently, I am studying myopractics, which is a holistic approach ...Read More
LeeAnn Romine
LeeAnn Romine has 35 years of experience as a Psychic and Spiritual Advisor, Founder of Soul Radiance Activation™ method, Founder of Mapmakers Academy™, Certified Business Coach, Certified Theta Practitioner, Author She is an Elite Spiritual Advisor specializing in consciously creating your own reality. She has worked in the world of metaphysics ...Read More
James Knochel
James Knochel is a wanderer who collects forgotten common-sense bits of wisdom that help people improve their lives. The body’s subtle energy systems serve as the blueprints for our physical experience. Edgar Cayce often stated this principle as “spirit is the life, mind is the builder, physical is the result.” The ...Read More
Celeste Holly
My name is Celeste Holly. I am an active practioner and board member for Mountain Spirit Healing and Educational Center. I am a certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher, as well as a crystal and vibrational healer. I have been working with healing energies for more than 9 years. I use an ...Read More
Janis Rosen
Hi Everyone! I’m Janis Rosen and am based in Winnipeg, Canada. My core work is my practice as a Counselor and Hypnotherapist. I knew early in my life that I was intuitive, good at listening, and getting to the heart of the matter quickly. As a Counselor, I provide ongoing ...Read More
Dana Cummins
• Intuitive Guide • Spiritual Counselor • Minister • Teacher • Healer • Universal Peace Ambassador I am the dreamer and founder of Mountain Spirit Co-Op and President of the non-profit Mountain Spirit Healing and Educational Center AKA: MsHec3 Project and an intuitive guide, spiritual counselor/minister with a lifetime of experience ...Read More
Rebecca Cutehands
ARTIST Rev. Rebecca Cutehands creates Native American Artwork that is intuitively inspired by Spirit. Her expressions of art include prayer fans, spirit masks, dream catchers, walking sticks, spirit rattles, medicine bags, instant altars, healing wands, personal medicine shields, and more. Each piece is made with intention, and all materials and tools ...Read More
Dani Yanssens
Dani Yanssens has been an educator for over 30 years. She has a passion for those living with generational abuse, poverty or trauma, helping them to find hope through education. Dani is certified Mental Health First Aid Trainer and is a trauma informed educator with training in ACE’s (adverse childhood experiences), ...Read More
Elizabeth Hyer Rose
Elizabeth is a quantum healer and channel. Utilizing a combination of modalities, her sessions bridge the gap between the spiritual and practical, enabling her clients to create and allow tangible healing and palpable change. Her work encompasses financial, emotional, physical, and spiritual healing and manifestation. In addition, Elizabeth has extensive experience ...Read More
Robin Bersson
Robin has been a social- entrepreneur, intuitive, humanitarian, clinician, and innovator her whole life. She has spoken and shared her wisdom on 5 continents. She seeds the world with new hope in these venues, a practice she continues based upon her deep love and gratitude for Lazaris. The Dimensions Consulting ...Read More
Cindy Holt
I’m Cindy Holt. I’ve been a member of the non-profit, MsHec3, for a year and am excited to become a member of MSCO. I’ve been in the nursing profession for 30 years. In 1995 I began my spiritual path and became the healer I always knew I was. Today I offer ...Read More