Responsive design based on WordPress Best Practices. Site can include functionalities such as blogs, newsletters, e-commerce, photo galleries, video galleries, classes, automatic post notifications and subscriptions.
Full Spectrum Graphic Design Services:
Including Book Design, Flyer and Brochure Design, Workbooks and Training Materials, CD, DVD, and Vinyl Record Design, Brochures, Books, Ads, Posters, Logos, Catalogs.
Social media graphic creation. Campaign management.
Film and Video Editing Services:
Experience in Documentary Films, Music Videos, Interviews, Publicity Videos, and Social Media Videos.
Grace Gravity | Dream Analog
My latest record is a True Analog Recording – Recorded, Mixed and Mastered Analog
As luck would have it we found a time machine and were able to create a tiny Analog Recording Studio. When I heard my voice played back on tape for the first time, I got tears in my eyes. Until then I didn’t know what was missing in the sound. When I heard it I felt the difference and knew I was on the right track. There was just more feeling.
Hear it & Get a copy : https://gracegravity.bandcamp.com/
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxe7soK4ezOG9oqQRM08RRg
Sci-Fi Book Series
The Unzoned Gods
What would you do if you received a letter in a dream
to take a trip to the moon?
Would you go?
12 people were asked to go to the moon for a consciousness experiment.
Do you lucid dream?
I was one of twelve psychics and empaths asked to go to the moon for some kind of consciousness project. I received my invitation to go in a lucid dream. Even though that was weird, the next day, I called the number I remembered when I woke up. An agent from the Skylark Project answered the phone and assured me the project was legitimate. It’s mind blowing that they were able to access my dream. A little creepy to think that’s possible. The agent told me the experiment could benefit all on a frequency level. I get the feeling this is more than just a “project.” There is something more… I can feel it.
I have been wondering for a long time about what was going on there on the moon. There have been reports, some say just rumors, conspiracy theories. Maybe it isn’t a bleak black and white world of desolate rock like it has been portrayed.
What if dreams are an added dimension of reality?