A friend reached out today asking how I handled all the chaos and hatred in our country and world. She was having a hard time with it all and couldn’t help getting sucked into all the doom and gloom.

I have several friends who are having the same issue. I’d be there myself if I didn’t fervently believe the following:

Yes, it’s very sad watching people suffer knowing you or I could be next. It’s heart-wrenching to think the world is sliding backward into a hellish place for many. But I can’t be glued to the news. I can’t listen as 17 people repeat the horrors and put their spin on it. All that succeeds in doing is keeping me angry, sad, vengeful, full of hate, despair, hopelessness, and fear.

I recognize when my vibrations lower and I look to find what I am feeding. Is it the terror they are dishing out? Have I lowered my vibration to match theirs? Am I stuck in the whirlpool, going deeper and deeper into despair?

I choose No! I will not go! I will not allow the hatred of others to drag me down. I will sign the petitions, I will boycott, and I will do anything I feel called to do. But I will NOT do it from a victim frequency. I will do it from the strong-willed one. The one making a difference by not sinking into the lower tier of emotions of hatred, fear, etc. I will stay focused on what I want to see. I will dream and create the world I want to live in. I will be grateful for what I have every day. I will seek out and find the helpers of the world just like Mr Rogers guided us.

Choosing to be happy and grateful, to share love, dignity, and honor, makes a difference. If spewing hate begets more hate, then spreading love begets more love. I choose love. I’ve decided to keep my resonance high and focus on what we are creating, not what others may want.

I believe the world is splitting; those immersed in fear and hatred may choose to stay in that world. Those who create and share love and light may choose to live in a new world. A world where all with an open heart are welcome. ALL people from ALL walks of life. Yes, this can happen, and I and the members of Mountain Spirit Co-Op are living proof. We are coming up on our 20th year together. We have represented many religions, non-religions, and ethnic and economic backgrounds. We work together with dignity, respect, compassion and love. We did it. We made the map, and together, we can do it on a much grander scale.

The more you feel gratitude,
the more you’ll have to feel grateful for.

So many people and lightworkers worldwide are working together to make this happen in every background imaginable. And you are welcome to join us! You are worthy and good enough as you are. But only you can make that choice. Are you willing to move out of that lower, constrictive state of emotions and into the light of your being? You are wanted, welcome, appreciated, and enough, exactly as you are.

Here are a few ways I work to keep in the vibration of the new world:

  • Every day, I start with gratitude. It doesn’t matter for what; it’s just that you feel it. Breathe it, ground it. I repeat this often, especially if I become filled with doubt, fear, sadness, or anger. I also end my day in gratitude before I sleep. Keeping a gratitude journal that you write in daily is also wonderful.
  • It’s okay to feel your feelings—even necessary—but then let them go and move on. Feel them, release them, and fill that space with something you want. How about more gratitude? How about hope for what you want to see in the world? How about that dream?
  • As Lazaris told us, “The more you feel gratitude, the more you’ll have to feel grateful for.” This statement is so true that I can’t even explain how miraculous it is if you allow it to be.
  • Find the helpers, celebrate them and what they are doing, and help in any way you can, including being grateful for them.
  • Use things that help you cleanse yourself and your home. I like Palo Santo; other options include sage, lavender, frankincense, and orange oils. There are many things, even just cleaning your home or visualizing cleaning energy moving through it.
  • Go outside and spend time in nature. Put your feet on the ground, hug a tree, plant something, or care for something. Let nature nurture you. Listen and feel it’s love for you.

If spewing hate begets more hate,
then spewing love begets more love.

  • Volunteer somewhere, even if it’s only a few hours a week. There is nothing better to lift one’s spirits than helping someone.
  • I also like to nap while listening to frequency music or meditate, listen to music, dance, drum, sing, hum, create art, cook, bake, write, bathe in magnesium salt and lavender and rose oils, get massages, talk with a friend or a counselor who can listen, and then remind me it’s all my choice. What do I choose?
  • If you are frozen in fear or near a panic attack, pause and focus all your attention on your breathing. I like to breathe in compassion and breathe out peace, but do whatever is best for you in the moment.
  • Search for, recognize, and celebrate light chaos. Chaos precedes and follows change. With lots of change happening, it’s extremely helpful to become friends with light chaos. Light chaos is when things could have gone much worse. Allow it to stir gratitude within you, and it will open pathways for more light chaos.

These are a few of the go-tos that have helped me navigate creating a new future for the last 35 years. Society has always told me no, but I chose not to listen and did it anyway. So can you.

If you are frozen in fear or near a panic attack,
pause and focus all your attention on your breathing.

Remember, when you’re dreaming of the future, don’t insist that others change. Just see it as what you want: harmony, peace, respect, health, caring, compassion, love, etc. See and sense the results and feel it in your bones and cells. Let it rise through your spirit and move you to generate and share more of your light.

May others choose the light and the love because you have shared yours. May we all do our part to unite the world as much as possible. We are all one, yet we have to make our own choices. I respect everyone’s choice. And I, with open arms and heart, welcome all those who choose the light and love.

Blessings and Love,