
Remembering Gratitude


Sometimes things appear in my world that look one way; then after contemplation and time they reveal themselves to be something totally different. Today was one of those days. In the midst of the unknown all kinds of fear base scenarios reared their ugly heads. As I breathed through each of them, …Read More

Remembering Gratitude2015-02-26T09:56:35-07:00

Remembering that I am in the perfect time


Remembering that I am in the perfect time, that the choices I am making are what some part of me thinks best for that moment. And choosing to make my actions from my adult self as much as possible. Yet having compassion, understanding and forgiveness for myself as well when I make …Read More

Remembering that I am in the perfect time2015-02-26T09:53:46-07:00



Solitude is far different from loneliness. Solitude is a choice, an exhibition of true strength. In solitude comes a peace in knowing that you choose to no longer settle for less than you deserve from another human being. You show instead that you prefer to stand alone rather than spend one more …Read More


Remembering Trust


Today I reminded of trust- a key ingredient of my metaphysics. I remember my dear friend Lazaris speaking of it at the beginning of my conscious metaphysical journey “If you only trusted yourself you would not need to do all the programming, etc” (loosely paraphrased). Yet over the last 20+ years I …Read More

Remembering Trust2015-02-26T09:59:15-07:00
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